Hash table


Putting some data through a formula to generate a hash is all that is required to do hashing. The hashes generated by a formula are always the same length, regardless of how much data is fed into it, and are often comprised of a string of characters. In other words, an essential data framework called hashing was created to address the issue of quickly identifying and storing data in an array. For instance, if a number is to be searched in a list of 10,000 numbers, you must scan each number in the list until you discover a match.

Hash Table

Hash table represents a unique set of data and it supports search, inserts, and delete operations.

Hash table has two components. one is key and another one is value. key in the sense of names and value in the sense of numerical numbers. when we input the key or value in a hash table, the hash function will look for a certain key and evaluate that key and create some sort of index number in the hash table. The location of the array to the storage information will be indicated by these index numbers. Every time you input the same key, it will spit out the same index number to avoid collisions. 

In conclusion, an associative data structure called a hash table is used to store data. Each data value has its distinct index value in a hash table, which stores data in an array format. If we know the index of the desired data, data access is very rapid. 



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