ML vs AI
“What is machine learning and is AI (Artificial Intelligence)? Are they are same or different like, water and oil? How are they connected and how are they differentiated? Why is it so confusing? Why is it so frustrating?” Have you ever come across those questions when you start to learn Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence? Let’s see them one by one. Artificial Intelligent (AI) The term “Artificial Intelligence” refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. In a simple way, Artificial Intelligence refers to “a broader concept of a machine with the ability to perform out the tasks in an extremely methodical way”. It’s unable the machines to think without any human intervention. The machine will make its own decision. For example Voice recognition, machine vision, Chabot’s, E – payment, Digital assistants, Google map, face detection, gaming, home devices, natural language processing (NLP) and etc.,. AI ...